Auditory Absorbent Learning (AAL)

Auditory Absorbent Learning is likely the most common form of Absorbent Learning practiced among Americans, though nobody calls it that. It entails listening with the intent to learn during white spaces in your day (like your chores or your commute). It can take the form of audiobooks, podcasts, or other spoken media. Auditory Absorbent Learning introduces ideas in your mind, and stimulates thought processes that wouldn't otherwise happen. 

What you can find on the Auditory section of this website:

The PCT 71—this section lists chronologically the 71 audiobooks Eric Travis listened to on the Pacific Crest Trail. Follow the available links on this page to see blog reviews of these audiobooks.

The Four Tiers—this section explains Eric’s Four Listening Tiers. To fully understand the reviews, you should read this section.

Self-help—this section contains reviews for the Self-help Tier.

History—this section contains reviews for the History Tier.

Novels—this section contains reviews for the Novels Tier.

Religious Texts—this section contains reviews for the Religious Texts Tier.