Visual Absorbent Learning (VAL)

Visual Absorbent Learning is intentionally placing tangible sets of information in white spaces, and repeatedly absorbing the information.

Visual Absorbent Learning distinguishes itself from Auditory Absorbent Learning because you engage in it to memorize the desired information. This also may be the type of Absorbent Learning least practiced by the populace, although multitudes have been exposed to it via the walls of the classrooms in their youth. Oftentimes, walls in school classrooms are littered with various Absorbent Learning materials like the ABC's, maps, or even periodic tables.


What you can find on the Visual section of this website:

Visual Store—this section contains product designs intended to help you visually learn. The designs are intended to be placed in a white space and repeatedly looked at daily until memorized. You can purchase either a poster or a pdf file of a design. If you purchase a pdf, you will need to print it out and laminate it yourself. If a poster is purchased, Zazzle will print it out, laminate it, and send it to your shipping address.

Currently within the store are four knowledge categories: Culture, Geography, History, and Science

Suggestions—do you want to learn something that isn’t available at the Visual Store? Submit a suggestion for the next Visual Absorbent Learning product here.