Audiobook FAQs

Q: How can I get the audiobook?
A: Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. See links at the home page. Take advantage of the free trial from Audible.

Q: Is the audiobook about the Pacific Crest Trail?
A: This is a good question. And the answer is "Not primarily." The trail plays an important role in the book, but the book itself is primarily about learning. Specifically, it is a self-development book on how to introduce learning into your life when you don't have any time to learn. However, for those interested in Eric’s PCT experience, the last 2.5 hours of the audiobook contains his trail diary, where you can hear all about the minutiae of trail life.

Q: How long did it take to write Wander Purposefully?
A: Eric has been thinking of this idea since graduating from Gonzaga University in May 2015. He started working on it in earnest when he began MBA school in May 2017. After 5 months of research on the PCT, it took him 8 months of full-time writing to produce the manuscript, and 2 more months to produce the audiobook. The Wander Purposefully audiobook is the culmination of a 4 year journey!

Q: Why is Wander Purposefully released exclusively as an audiobook at first?
A: The primary reason is because audiobook consumption itself is one of the major themes of the book. Eric wrote Wander Purposefully, and then took the extra step to narrate it for you so you wouldn't have to take time out of your busy life to read it yourself. It just felt right to do it this way; especially since he has so much recent, positive experience with audiobooks. If you have never listened to an audiobook before, Wander Purposefully is the perfect gateway audiobook to start you in this medium.

Since the initial release, Wander Purposefully has also been adapted into ebook, paperback, and hard cover formats.